Current and upcoming photography techniques

When you head out that front door, the whole world is your color palette, you have the power to stop time at the click of a finger, and you can look back at frozen pieces of time whenever you feel like it. Photography is truly a sensational gift from the past, but how are we using it today, and what will it bring us tomorrow? Here we can put things into perspective, break things down and ask the photography gods just what is it you’d like from us. But just between us, we think they will be very pleased with just what is around the corner.

Inception and compositions for a new beginning

Artificial intelligence begins to creep into photography.

Just what is it you want to express in this forward-thinking, fast pace world we find ourselves in? Well, we just came out of a pandemic (fingers crossed), so perhaps we are all glad to be alive right? We also find ourselves waking up to huge leaps in technology and the integration of AI into, well, everything! So, as observers, we have a lot to document, and the stage is set for a show of contrast as worlds merge into one with powerful unity – what an incredible time to be alive.

Fantasy and reality

Artificial intelligence helps us to generate photos with just a description.

Our imaginations are running wild as we combine reality with fantasy. Is this an attempt to escape a seemingly dull reality? Or are we just flexing our progressive technology muscles as more and more of us become technology savvy? The outcome of blending these two worlds is mindblowing, and you can really see its potential when looking at today’s gaming and film posters. To take it a step further, augmented reality. What’s really incredible is that anyone can merge these two worlds together by just thinking about it because AI is here. You can now describe an image, and an AI Image generator will dream it up for you with astounding results. Yes, that is right, we are now living in a sci-fi reality. Is that cereal you’re eating right now?

Technology and Nature

To add to the mix of contrasting perspectives, we have a fascinating alliance between technology and nature. This romance could be the answer to saving our planet, a welcomed prospect, and of course, it raises certain questions about change for good and the importance of technology to provide us with answers. Observed from a sense of optimism, of course. Perhaps these ideas will really come to life with the integration of photo composite methods, engulfing these radical ideas in super realistic scenarios!

Pure and Honest portraits

The photography with pure and honest portraits are speaking to us on a personal level as we connect with our emotions.

Amidst the intriguing sway of the Mayan calendar, a wave of sentimentality, introspection, and thoughtfulness seems to envelop us. Perhaps it’s a reflection of the world’s collective psyche in the face of increasing instability. Whatever the cause, there’s an undeniable resonance to the pure, unadorned portraits that now beckon to us. These images reach us on a profoundly personal level, inviting a deep connection with our emotions. This burgeoning trend, marked by a conscious pursuit of authenticity, serves as a testament to the enduring power of love and togetherness. In a time where solace is sought within the glow of our phones, it’s almost fitting that we celebrate the strides in camera technology that have granted us this ability. The seamlessly integrated cameras within our devices have bestowed social media enthusiasts with the tools to craft breathtaking portraits, each frame infused with a passion that lays bare the rawest facets of our emotional tapestry.

As we navigate this era, it’s intriguing to observe how this sentiment extends even further, beyond the realm of self, to encompass the bonds that tie us together as families. Within the realm of family photography, a distinct niche emerges: that of brothers and sisters photos frozen in time. These images capture the essence of shared memories, the laughter and camaraderie, the squabbles and secrets. Just as the broader trend leans towards authenticity, so too do these sibling portraits reflect an unvarnished portrayal of the intricate relationships that define us. In a world that seems ever more unpredictable, the power of family endures, offering a steadfast refuge against the storm of uncertainty.

One way of looking into what might trend for the years ahead is taking an interest in some of the big photography contests and other related events, such as World Photography Day, which take place each year, and Freepik’s Visual Trends for 2023. It’s contests like these that really push the boundaries, shifting perspective and often shocking us into deep thought. There is a contest for every category out there, which will no doubt boost interest in any subject. Check out this in-depth discussion about the World Press Photo contest, which focuses on photojournalism.

Current trending photography methods

A good idea can sometimes lose its envisioned effect when the method is out of balance, but today, we are spoiled with new gadgets and gizmos that far surpass many of the restrictions we may not have known were there. From photo composite to automated drones, there seems to be little we can’t do. However, as you’d expect, in this time of contrast, we are still feeling our skin react to nostalgia and the old ways of doing things.


Drone photography has essentially provided us with an entirely new point of view.

Drone photography has essentially provided us with an entirely new point of view. And whatever side of the fence you stand on, it’s completely revolutionized photography, opening up new and exciting possibilities, allowing us to capture sweeping panoramas, stunning aerial photography, and the ability to explore new heights. Automated drones can even follow you around, taking snaps as it looks down on the subject, delivering breathtaking shots from a unique perspective. Extreme sports enthusiasts have wasted no time in getting hold of this current technology, providing their fans with dramatic and profound photographs that get huge amounts of recognition.

One major drawback is safety. Drones must be operated in an area free from people, buildings or trees, as even minor crashes can cause serious damage or injury. Additionally, drone photography typically requires a license, depending on the country and region you plan on flying your drone in. So it’s important to check the rules and regulations for flying in that particular area before takeoff! Finally, although drone photography might look easy at first glance, it actually requires quite a bit of skill and practice before achieving great results, making it one of the more challenging photography trends to master!

Photography and video collide

Multimedia production affordable and competitive, opening up huge possibilities for content creators.

These two disciplines walk hand in hand. After all, video is a moving image. But no matter how close they may seem, technology has driven them far apart. Photographers and videographers used to be worlds apart, using specialist equipment for their projects, perhaps even going to such extremes as eating in different restaurants. That is until now.

Today is very different. DSLR and mirrorless cameras have progressed a lot! With more compact designs and the development of sensors and processors, pretty much all semi-pro and professional cameras are capable of shooting ultra-high-definition video at the flick of a switch, all the way up to 8K. Still not impressed? It gets better with an entire market devoted to innovative camera accessories such as DSLR cage stabilizers, attachable microphones, and lighting rigs. This all-in-one solution has made multimedia production affordable and competitive, opening up huge possibilities for content creators, especially as the demand for social media continues to grow exponentially.


Film photography, polaroid, and photo booths are all methods of photography that maybe your parents and grandparents are familiar with.

Film photography, polaroid, and photo booths are all methods of photography that maybe your parents and grandparents are familiar with. However, they are here to stay. It’s abundantly clear this romantic connection with the past fills the imagination of new generations, especially when you notice the sheer volume of retro filters on social media. This nostalgia for the analog way could perhaps propose the need for feeling things organically without the refined digital rendering of technically perfect photography. Without further dissecting this true romance episode, we can all agree that retro photography has something about it and should never leave our passion for artistic imperfections.

Retro effects that might interest you:

Having the gear but no idea

It’s all very well funding what can be an expensive hobby, especially splashing out on those prime lenses. To really get your money’s worth, there are certain recommendations that you would do well to follow, that in turn, should provide you with a solid foundation for your photography to take to the skies. When it’s just you and the camera, the rule of thirds will dramatically improve the way you think when it comes to composition and will almost instantly have you thinking like a professional photographer. Other knowledgeable factors you may want to consider when taking snaps are using light to your advantage and camera setup, including shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, keeping all this in check will ultimately give you total control of your creations.

There’s a lot to look forward to with technology and human feeling making such a profound connection. It’s up to us how we experiment with new forms of photography, whether it’s confronting global issues, pursuing photographic perfection, or igniting that nostalgic feeling. It certainly feels like an exciting time to pick up the camera and get snapping. All you need to do is step out that front door.